Many of you ask if I can treat myself & the answer is YES!
However... I actually see my own acupuncturist weekly. Yep. Weekly! Every now and then I treat myself if I’m in a pinch, but back treatments like the one photographed above is virtually impossible for me to do on myself. Also, there is something to be said for someone else holding space for you, aiding in your healing, and not having to self-diagnose! I’m sure we have all gone down the Web MD rabbit hole, or had some sort of overthinking (or under-thinking! that a word?) when it comes to our health. It really takes an expert and someone who will look at the entire picture to diagnose what’s going on, and truthfully, sometimes we ourselves are just too close to the situation to see clearly. Who is on your healthcare team? Do they hold sacred space for you to express how you’re feeling? Do they provide treatments that make you feel incredible after each visit? Do they properly diagnose and treat you? If your answer to any of these questions is no... it might be time to re-evaluate your health care team!
For those of you that know and love getting @daolabs from the clinic already, they have come out with two new formulas that you can order directly online! And they’re in TABLET form this time instead of powder!
BREATHE CLEAR can be used to clear up a cough and increase respiratory strength while BOUNCE BACK can be used if you have fever, aches, chills, or other common cold symptoms to help you recover more quickly. You can use both at the same time as well if you have all of the above occurring! Each little packet contains your daily dose of these herbal formulas and can be taken for about 3-10 days, or as long as your symptoms persist. Also, don’t forget about their awesome formula IMMUNITY SUPPORT, which comes in little powder packets that you can take to help prevent getting sick if you’re feeling run down, traveling, had a Covid exposure, etc. We all need that this time of year, right? Use my practitioner discount code MIAV if you’d like to save 10% off these new formulas! @daolabs Check out their bio and click the link listed to read more about how these formulas can help support you if you get sick! #bouncebackwithDAOLabs #breatheclearwithDAOLabs Do you know how to read auras?
I‘m just beginning to learn how to read my own! As a beginner, I am following guidelines from texts and receiving lessons from those around me that have more knowledge in this area. Here is a simple way to try to see your aura color: 1. Sit in a dimly lit room in front of a clear area of wall & relax (deep breaths or a mini-meditation/body scan will do) 2. Stretch your arms out in front of you with one hand facing down & the other facing up toward the ceiling 3. Squeeze your hands together in this position for 1-2 minutes, then reverse hand positions (the one that was down should now be up and vice versa), and keep squeezing again for 1-2 minutes 4. Put your hands at your sides and then slowly raise them up with your palms facing each other. Bring them slowly together into a prayer position with hands almost touching until you sense a point of resistance. Your hands should feel like they are attracting together like magnets, but your palms should not touch 5. Lightly half-focus your gaze at the area around your hands (like you’re zoning out) 6. You may see a halo of light around them with a color. Note the color. You may also feel a pulsing or tingling sensation. This is your aura. Color meanings! If the color is bright & clear, you house these positive aspects. If the color is muddied/dark, you house these negative aspects. Red: vibrantly active, physical energy (or anger, ego & high sex drive) Pink: unselfish love, sensitivity, spiritual healing Orange: healthy sexuality (or self-indulgence & slyness) Yellow: intellect, warmth, and compassion (or a fearful, resentful, lazy person) Gold: sign of saints or godly beings, an aid in protection Silver: erratic mental energy, illusion, mental illness Green: balance, growth, spirituality (or envy, greed, deceit, depression and selfishness) Blue: independent spirit, deeply healing color (or stubbornness, dogmatism) Violet: seeker of truth, intensely spiritual person Gray/Black: depression, negative emotions Brown: materialistic person, good business person, organizational skills White: highly evolved, spiritual being, saint, holy mystic presence What color do you see? On 12/21/20 Saturn and Jupiter will be only 0.1 degree apart. What does this mean? Well, from an astronomy standpoint, this is the first visible “double planet” in 800 years. So go take a peek at the sky! It will look sort of like an elongated star. Pull out your astronomy apps to find these planets kissing!
From an astrological standpoint, Saturn and Jupiter have a cyclical conjunction that occurs every 20 years. This actually marks the beginnings and ends of historical eras in astrology. This means that we will see old forms/patterns/habits dying off and new growth beginning. Jupiter signifies good fortune and opportunities, while Saturn strengthens and brings order what is ready to ripen and blossom. Together these two combine expansive + imaginative vision with the structure + discipline to actually manifest what we want! Long story short, today is a good day to meditate and get REALLY clear on what you want in life. Write it down. Breathe life into it. Come up with a plan. Execute. Not only is this a super exciting day for the reasons listed above, but during this cycle of conjunction with Saturn and Jupiter, we are leaving the earth element. Every 200 years there is a shift between elements. This time, we enter air for the next two hundred years. For the next 20 years, we are in the decades of Aquarius. The Aquarian Great Conjunction signifies resilience, liberation, replacing toxic systems with healthier, inclusive, and unifying alternatives (YES PLEASE). Also, entering 200 years of air signs means we will create visionary ideas for the future. Putting this all together shows that we will be making big shifts starting today. We will have the open minds and vision to think of what we want (no matter how out of reach it may seem!), believe in it (with all your heart), with the structure (make a plan!) to actually make it happen. Big things are coming! NEW PRODUCT ALERT 🚨
Reishi Collagen Mask is now available at Healing Haven Acupuncture! What it is: “This is a botanical mask made to help turn back the clock. Star ingredients: organic reishi, organic rosa canina fruit oil, vitamin B5, organic gotu kola, pumpkin fruit extract, papaya fruit extract, orange peel extract” What it does: “Our enzymes gently scavenge damaged and dead skin cells to make room for new skin tissue and collagen. Reishi mushroom helps carry the gotu kola to the cells for damage restoration, fading of sun spots and damage, wrinkle reduction, and boosting of cellular hydration. Gotu Kola is a proven collagen stimulant proven to work 120 times more effectively than synthetic collagen replacement therapies. Helps to clear clogged pores, minimize skin eruptions, and fight the march of time across your face with gentle and effective clinically proven skin rejuvenating factors. Our mask can be effectively used twice a week up to every day depending on skin type.” -My Zen Skin Care NEW SERVICE ALERT 🚨 & MODEL NEEDED! ☺️
Healing Haven Acupuncture is SO excited to announce the launch of a new service— microneedling! This service will go live for online booking on February 8th, 2021. nRead about the service more below & COMMENT BELOW if you’re interested! ☺️✨ Similar results to Botox, but cheaper, Microneedling Therapy is a minimally invasive skin-rejuvenation procedure that involves the use of a microneedling pen device. The mechanical action of the pen allows the needles to enter the skin and create a micro-injury at a specific depth. This triggers our natural healing process to fill these micro-wounds by producing new collagen & elastin and improving blood supply. Microneedling results in the improvement in skin tone, texture and firmness, as well as reduction in scars, wrinkles and fine lines. Chinese Medicine herbal serums are added based on skin needs & everyone goes home with a take home kit. LED Light Therapy will accompany the microneedling session to fight any active acne, redness, and boost collagen by 200% This little pen gets better results than a Gua Sha Facial & Cosmetic Acupuncture COMBINED with less time needed to get the results! Who is ready to try it out?! New LED light is in at the clinic! Love these things as they can help with SO many issues including...
✨skin cell regeneration ✨increasing oxygen in the blood ✨anti aging ✨acne ✨ringworm ✨allergic dermatitis ✨improve acne wounds ✨promotes collagen ✨improve wrinkles ✨kills bacteria ✨injury recovery ✨prevent wound infections ✨decomposes hyperpigmentation ✨reduce redness and red spots ✨alleviate joint and muscle pain So excited to have this as an add on to any treatment you may be coming in for! Also... Luminescent Pearl Cream // ☺️ The perfect pairing with your cosmetic acupuncture + LED light therapy session. Pearl and sea buckthorn are combined to combat the visible side effect of collagen break down— fine lines + wrinkles. Fights aging & moisturizes the skin while remaining light enough for those of us with acne break outs to use as well 🥰 I’ve been feeling irritable lately 😡 and I’m not quite sure exactly why. There are a lot of reasons I suppose. Lots going on in the world. Lots going on in my world.
We as a whole have endured COVID-19, the deaths of too many young black men and women by the hands of those that are supposed to keep us safe, femicide & #womenempowerment ...and of course we all have our own personal struggles within ourselves & in our own lives. Anyways, I got to see my own cutie #acupuncturist today to get me feeling right again. Happy to say I was able to release that anger and irritability and melt on her table. This doesn’t fix those issues, but it will help me sleep at night, come at issues with more grace/peace/understanding, and overall get through the days a bit easier ❤️ what are you doing to keep yourself feeling the best you can? #selfcare #acupuncture #holistichealth #acupuncturestpaul #anger A normal, healthy period should be pain free, no bloating, no PMS, no breast tenderness, no food cravings, no cramps, no back pain, etc! If any of these symptoms are occurring at any point in your cycle, it’s your body’s way of saying there is something off. If you have questions about how to balance your own personal symptoms, feel free to send me a DM! ❤️ |
Love cupping!Love cupping is like normal cupping in that it has all of the benefits of regular cupping, with a heart-shaped twist.
So, what is food therapy?In Chinese medicine, food has been used for thousands of years as a way to heal the body. All foods have different properties, such as warming, cooling, bitter, pungent, sour, spicy, etc. You can use these properties to your advantage based on your own individual constitution and the time of year! For example, everyone should incorporate these foods into their diets this summer because they help cool the body: